Curriculum Leadership in the International School

2 - 8 July 2025 Facilitators:
Pip Curtis and Matt Parr

23 - 29 June 2025 Facilitators:
Glen Karlsson and Matt Hajdun

Hear what our participants have to say about the course: Macca McVicar, Mark McGowan

Listen to Pip Curtis answer the question: “Why should you take this course?”

A school is most clearly defined by its curriculum - what students learn, how they will learn and how we will know whether they have learned. In the international school, where teachers, students and parents are in constant transition, clear, coherent curriculum is even more essential. The leadership team in an international school bears full responsibility for ensuring it is in place and effective. This course will equip participants to lead a full curriculum process, including development, analysis, implementation and monitoring.

What will we learn?

How do school leaders:

  • Define what students should learn, who should determine this and how we can ensure the ‘right’ learning intentions?

  • Design a process for aligning intended learning, instructional and assessment practices?

  • Put in place efficient processes for getting curriculum written in your school, particularly in the culture of transition that many international schools experience?

  • Design the structures and systems available for getting curriculum implemented?

  • Determine and apply artificial intelligence to all facets of curriculum design and implementation that will improve the processes and the impact?

  • Establish and maintain curriculum monitoring processes that address the questions: Are you doing what your curriculum promises – and Is it getting the right results?

  • Lead with effective strategies to impact the entire process of developing, implementing and monitoring curriculum?

  • Apply principles of social justice and anti-racism across all facets of designing, analyzing, implementing and monitoring curriculum?

  • Avoid the pitfalls of curriculum work that veer us away from impact on learning?

  • Develop effective strategies for all of the above in a variety of contexts, including the hybrid and online learning environments?

What do school leaders need to know about:

  • How current research about teaching and learning should influence international school curriculum design, including examination of the changing purpose of curriculum?

The curriculum for all PTC courses is rooted in the ‘Standards of Practice for International School Principals’ and created using our design principles.