Already Registered for 2025 June-July Institutes?

Already registered for your upcoming PTC June-July 2025 course and ready to learn more? Please find below several resources to get you prepared!

Site-Specific Information

Are you attending an in-person course at our Lisbon site? Find more information on the hotel, accommodation options, and daily schedule here:

Are you attending an online course? Learn more about our online learning model and daily schedule here:

Preparatory Information For both Online and In-Person Courses

Every PTC course requires you to complete certain activities or have access to certain documents before your course begins. Access to your course content including these tasks will be sent on 15 May. For anyone registering at a later date, you will receive this information within a few days of your registration. Please keep an eye out for this important information.

Special AI Prep Sessions

AI is a rapidly evolving a technology that has significant implications for many facets of learning, schools, and school leadership. For you to be as current as possible and as part of your preparation for your PTC course, all registered participants are encouraged to attend 3 one-hour online sessions dedicated to these implications. These are free to all online and Lisbon registered participants and are designed to help you be more fully prepared for these discussions during your course. Dates: 28 March, 5 April, 12 April, 07-08AM EDT (New York).

Keep an eye out approximately 5th March when you will receive an email with the details of how to join. We hope to see all of you for this unique opportunity to assist you as you ‘go forth and lead’!